Monday 4 June 2007


As we know, Kenya (in parts) suffers from 'too much tourism'. There are lots of clips which cover the natural beauty of Kenya, and also its main attractions. Check these out...

This is obviously the tourist board take on things, but can you list 5 possible problems that could arise from some of the activities on the video?

Equally, we watched the Masai in the lesson talking about how their culture and traditions have changed. Look at this quick video clip below. Is this the true face of the Masai? Or is it just a tourist trick geared towards bringing in much needed income? You decide...

Zimbabwe CAMPFIRE lesson

Just goes to show that the elephants get everywhere in Zimbabwe! Can we blame the locals and farmers for getting a bit fed up and worried about their crops, livestock and children?

Thought we had a good lesson on Zimbabwe's CAMPFIRE scheme today. A few of you looked a bit shocked at the idea that we shoot animals to preserve them! A lot of people are against the idea but what would the alternative be? Perhaps there would be few elephants at all in Zimbabwe if the farmers weren't on-side and seeing the elephants as a resource. In this sense its a strange example of eco-tourism or green tourism, but an interesting one nonetheless. Hope you can all sleep after the rather disturbing thought from the two gents at the back that the elephants might be shot just as they are approaching their final resting place!!

For further ideas (and interesting ones) on Zimbabwe, click here