Sunday 28 September 2008

Poems for the Geography classroom...

I've been pretty busy recently with one thing or another - one of those 'things' has been the writing of a book dedicated to Geography poems. It is for use with students from 10-16 years, though the poems are written in such a way that they are open-ended and less or more able students can read different things into it. There are fifty poems in total on a range of different subjects. In addition, there is an introductory chapter which gives teachers twenty ideas on how the poems could be used interactively and imaginatively in a classroom setting.

If you are interested I've set up a dedicated blog here:

Equally, the publisher's website link is to be found here

Ringing the changes...

Ever wondered just how scientists work out what past climates were like. One way is through studying ice cores, but looking at changes over more recent time can be carried out through dendrochronology - a posh term for tree ing analysis. Experts from around the world have arrived in Exeter (Sep 26th 2008) to find out how tree rings and pollen can provide vital clues about climate change.

To see the clip click here...