Sunday 3 June 2007

What's the fieldcentre like?

Obviously many of you are heading off to the Lakes this week, but where exactly are you going on your magical mystery tour?

Well, this is a general view of the valley where the village of Threlkeld can be seen...

The actual centre itself is set in a beautiful location. It has small, narrow roads leading up to it. Remind me to tell you what happened to me on the coach going there for the first time four years ago! Painfall memories...

The OS map below shows quite nicely where it is found!

Here is the centre from the outside, though I'm not sure this picture really does it justice as it looks a bit ramshackle, but that's not the case at all...

1 comment:

Tim said...

Hope the weather is good, also hope the bus driver doesnt take a wrong turn!

I dont want to be stuck in some farmers field!